Spanish III
Level three introduces students to a Spanish classroom where Spanish is spoken the majority of the class time by the instructor and students. Advanced Spanish grammar will be taught and used in writing and literature assignments, as well as conversations and presentations in class.
Illinois Learning Standards for World Languages
The Illinois Learning Standards for World Languages guide learners to develop competence to communicate effectively and interact with cultural competence to participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world. The five “C” goal areas (Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities) stress the application of learning a language beyond the instructional setting. The goal is to prepare learners so they can apply the skills and understandings measured by the standards to their future careers and experiences, which will increasingly occur on a global scale.​
Classroom Expectations
Spanish III Courses
2nd Hour: 9:05am to 9:51am
3rd Hour: 9:55am to 10:41am
Weekly Schedule